Anyone can make a Reservation

So it’s been quite some time since I have blogged…I think it has been about two weeks. And trust, it is not because I don’t have anything to write about, because life has been more interesting than ever. Okay, maybe it hasn’t but I still have things to write about. It’s just that I feel like I haven’t had any time. Here lately I feel like every second of my day has been sucked up by something: whether school

So out of all the cool things (or not so cool things) that have happened in my life, since the last time I blogged. The coolest experience was my first “dinner” party for the girls. Now, everyone knows that I am quite the food lover (cooker, watcher, writer, etc.). But other than making extravagant meals for Mike (and a friend or two) and pastries with mom and Ren; I have not cooked a meal for a group of people. So when Mike went to LA with the fellas, I invited my girls over for a dinner. I needed something different from our City dinners. So while, we threw ideas on the table, I blurted out, “why don’t we have a dinner party at my place (and before I could pull the words back, they fell out of my mouth) I’ll cook.”
Now away from my anxiety, can I tell you, that this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life from the planning to the end of the party.
All the girls brought something for the party. So the bread, drinks and “fruit” dessert were the responsibility of the girls. Because I had to go to class on Saturday, I had to put together my Baked Ziti on Friday. And on Saturday, before the girls got to the house I put together Giada’s Prosciutto Pizzettas (mini pizza crust, proscuitto, goat cheese and caramelized onions) and through the Ziti in the oven. Because I had so little work to do on Saturday, I was able to cook, set up and decorate my evening clothes! By the time, my girls got to the house, I was decorating the appetizers and placing them out on their platter. Perfect timing, food, and company! It was the perfect dinner party. We talked, laughed and ate an amazing meal.
Now, I am all about going out to eat, but I must say that there is nothing like cooking a fabulous meal and laughing with some of your closest friends/family in the comfort of your own home.
Okay so, I understand that I come from a line of “entertainers.” My mother always catered main events: post-prom get together, birthday parties (huge parties), all holiday parties, New Years celebrations (post church), graduation parties, etc. And my grandmother was known around the Dayton area, as an “entertainer” due to her lavish house parties. I was fortunate enough to witness a few of them (when I was younger), but most of them were adult only. My mom (and dad- they were dating) to this day, talks about the big parties that my grandparents would throw. Anyone who was someone would be there: mayors, lawyers, businessmen, doctors, mailmen, everyone. It was my grandmother’s passion.
However, regardless of my inherited passion, I personally believe that everyone should try cooking for a few close friends, a loved one or family. Because as Rachel Ray says, “anyone can make a reservation.” Now if you ever need any REALISTIC yet fabulous suggestions, for a twenty something busy person, drop me a line.
I hope the wonderful people that complained that I need to include food ingredients and details in my blog are happy! I know that I am! Now I am signing out to actually get some work finished. I will be writing very soon!