Little Black PRINCESS...

I was watching D.L Hughly Breaks the News and he had return guest Michaela Angela Davis on. I really enjoy when she is on the show, because I feel like she is such a positive voice for the young black urban woman (I am definitely a fan); however she said something that I will never forget. D.L. was talking about how proud Sasha was as she walked with her daddy, President Obama, but then Davis responded:
"To see a young black girl be somebody's princess again, not sombody's B or H or having bottles popped on them. He's holding her hand with dignity, too. There's a whole lot of little girls, we're not going to have to have that conversation with them. That's saying it for us."
And to that, I say "Amen". I agree that it is time for us to be princesses! Whether you are a millionaire, president or just trying to make it, "HERE'S TO BLACK ROYALTY"!

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