Feels incredible
Working with greens - real food. Having time to think. Know that my baby is taken care of. A clean house. A cuppa tea. Foldin the clothes. Feels so good. Knowing the hubby is gonna get his work done - no pressure by me to get home early. This feels good. So good. What does it mean?
Time to think. Pray. Plan.
2014 is going to be amazing. I feel it and know it. The year of growth, simplicity, and incredible joy and positivity. It's the year of new beginnings. I truly believe it.
Today, with my infant son sleeping in bliss - coming off from a fever - I feel incredible. Today is going to be marvelous. So far 2014 has been incredible:
- French movies (romances centered around food)
- brunch with friends
- time with my boys
- church (early)
- watching miracles (the pastor and his twins)
Thessalonians 4:11 aspire to live a quiet life, minding my business, and working with my hands...
Maybe this is why I feel so much at peace... This is the goal of 2014