New addiction!
"Mom, it wasn't until I got in New York and was all by myself that I realized how important food is in my life. I mean, every time I thought of my good times, food was included- whether with the family, friends, or by myself- food was involved." ~ Shelby Stone- Steel
I have one secret obsession...that I must tell you guys about. Yes, I know many of you are thinking, well, that is no surprise, "you have a completely obsessive personality." I mean look at my relationship with Mike, putting a pen in my hair (I think that falls more under compulsive)
Wait...quick story about the pen in the hair. So as many of you have noticed, I have a completely new haircut. And although I do like it, the truth is...I miss my bun already. Yes, for about four years, I have been throwing my hair up in bun and sticking writing utensils in it. Even many of my students see it as my signature. So the other day, I was sitting at the cafe around the corner from my house. I am drinking this steaming "Earl Grey" (and cream), typing out a paper for class, and reading an interesting article. As I went to take notes on this intriguing section of the book and write down another "to do" ...I reached for my hair to grab my pen/pencil and nothing was there. Just hair. The girls right beside me, very cute, fashionable, pulled together...gave me a weird look, began talking in their native language and began giggling. I must have been a sight to see, because once I didn't have my pen...I began going a bit frantic and getting irritable, because I thought I didn't have a pen. After I found my pen and noticed that I was being "giggled" at, I quickly pulled myself together...shot them a quick "I have my CRAP together..." glare (that includes a lip makes me feel tough yet classy- I think I saw it being done in a movie) and began typing. But throughout my typing section, I just kept on thinking "stupid haircut."
But back onto my NEW obsession. I am obsessed with writing "food reviews" on different food websites and putting my reviews under different aliases. Whenever I pick out a new recipe, I must write down my thoughts and my additions to these recipes on the website. It has completely become an addiction. And this addiction was the suggestion of my brother Kenny. So the other day, I had my entire family up. I was a bit nervous, because on top of just my immediate family, Sunday was the day that my grandmother and my uncle and aunt were joining us. Now up until that time, the food experience had been wonderful, which was fabulous because my parents are both food critics (my mother being "known" as one of the best cooks in the world- or the Ohio area). So I was extremely proud of myself so far. However I was nervous about how I was going to handle this party of nine reservation. So as always, I read massive reviews, looked at the menu and booked. So while we were about to eat, I made all my suggestions, told t
Well, I am on my way to take a walk with the hubby, so I can stay in shape. But hopefully on our way back we can grab our $3 Value meal (a small coffee and pastry) wink...wink...