People Hope for Happy Kids (well, not me)

Neiko took this at our community garden 
And this one. He was so excited "I got the most beautiful photos, mommy" 

And then I had to capture my boys 

Folks always say they want happy kids. "If my kid could be happy then everything is great."

I totally get it. But I often feel like that is such a selfish endgame. I mean I think serial killers are happy people. I've seen folks smiling in mugshots. There are womanizers that are happy.

I want my boys to be whole. I want them to be secure in themselves. I want them to be secure and be lovers of themselves and others. I want their lives to be dedicated to doing service. I am okay if they experience fear, sadness, or discomfort - as long as they know that they have the Lord, they have grit, they have Steel-Stone blood flowing through their veins, they are descendants of slaves (that survived the boats, the brutality, Jim Crow, and hatred). I want them to see the creativity, beauty, brilliance, strength, gentleness and grit within themselves, their family, community, humanity, animals, and our earth.

I want them to be appreciative.

A cool article:

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