Can you accurately describe yourself?

You don't have to answer. I'm sure you weren't going to, but I wonder if others can accurately describe themselves.
I just listened to a Cigna (I think) commercial from Panda and the announcer talked about finding music that would express one's true self. One's true self? Is the true self the one that we show others on a daily basis? I mean isn't the mask who we are? I mean isn't the idea of a mask - kinda a cop out? Like "I put on my mask," but if the mask only comes off in the dark or silent moments when you are around only yourself and your thoughts - aren't you the mask? I dunno... I don't think these thoughts are coming out right. to clarify my thoughts...

I feel like so many of us describe or know ourselves as this person that very few people know. I mean how often have we had conversations with people that start out with, "very few people" or "no one knows this, but I am (insert characteristic here)." Like just the other day, a woman that  I know as INCREDIBLY loud and abrasive told me that "no one knew it, but she is quite shy and quiet as a mouse." INTERESTING - is she only quiet when she is by her self? Because in every social situation that I've encountered her in - she has been incredibly loud and  inviting.  It's all so confusing.

Or my favorite: "YEAH, GIRL, I HATE PEOPLE THAT TALK WITH THEIR MOUTHS FULL" (this is being said with a mouth full of Doritoes).

Or worst:"He is so sloppy - I can't stand messy people - yeah, I have globs of mustard down my shirt, but I'm not a messy person - I just have a hard time with turkey sandwiches" [my thoughts] and hamburgers... and french fries...and keeping your car clean... and your apartment clean... wowazaas, you are just a messy person.  

Now, don't get me wrong, I am guilty of all of the moments above. I have been trying to be more self aware, but to be completely honest, if some one asked me to describe myself - I may throw out a few adjectives that could throw the audience off... I don't know maybe I am normal in my self-uncertainty or  maybe not. I do know however that"normal" wouldn't be a word that I would use to describe myself...

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