Am I Filling or Fueling?
This morning during my devotional an idea hit me (after I put in my Weight Watchers points) - last night I filled my body, but did not fuel it. Like I ate a bunch of delicious food that filled me up, but didn't have a lot of veggies, fruit, drink 64 oz of water, or whole grain (fueling foods). The fueling foods are those that are going to keep me going - make me healthier, live longer, and all around the foods that God gave us to eat freely. Let's put it this way, I ONLY ate foods that are good and fun, but not making me a better me. Now, of course, there needs to be filling foods in one's diet, it makes food fun (for most of us), but one's daily dietary intake should be mostly (on most days 90%) fueling foods.
This then made me look at my entire day, yesterday, and I realized I didn't take very much time at all to fuel my spiritual, my mental, my creativity, or my professional existence. I did take time, however, to fuel my relationships - yippee! Yesterday, I had a very filling and fun day off - there wasn't a moment of downtime - but many of my hours (not all) were not spent making anyone (including myself) better. I didn't put fuel into my tank - I just filled my day with stuff. This is not to say, that there isn't a place for sitting on the couch consuming trash television and junk food, but I will admit after a day or two of filling binges I feel lazy, gross, blah, and like I need to do something with my life.
All this to say, after jotting down all this in my journal - I decided I need a BIG reminder - so, I made a fun chart for myself. Just to remind myself to think twice about my choices (I've never been one into major discipline). This way at the end of the night or in the morning, I can make a decision or reflect on whether I have been fueling or filling.