SSS Stats: Research Finds Early Risers..
Early Risers are thinner, happier, and less stressed...
Which makes sense, because my mom is all of these things and she is an early riser. My earliest memories of childhood Saturdays include: Kenny and I wake up (probably around like 8 am) for Saturday morning cartoons, we drink the last sips of mom and dad's wine from their Friday fun (yikes), watch cartoons (Ninja Turtles, Heman, to name a few), mom gets home in aerobic gear with groceries/donuts for the family (except me)/coffee for her and my dad/a bagel for me, family breakfast, chores, and more fun.
This to say, by around 9:00 am my mom was totally finished with her morning gym session, had been grocery shopping, and breakfast shopping.
Any one that knows Lynne knows that there are very few people happier or less stressed. As for "thin" is concerned - let's put it this way- her "pre" and post-wedding size are consistently the same. She stayed her size until the birth of Kenny, after which she added two dress sizes.
Comparison: I am a size 4/6 and could barely get my hips in her wedding dress but after some sucking and tugging, I got in it but could not ZIP up my mothers wedding dress - LIKE AT ALL...
All this to say, although researchers found this fact true - I've found it true in my own life.
The early bird DOES gets the worm...and the happiness that goes along with being less stressed and thinner.