Yes to trip = Yes to sex

As my dad says, "free ain't free"

I'm obsessed with the Kane Show - I love all the "real life" issues they talk about... for instance, the new NIGHT out is Thursday and only ONE weekend evening....

Long and short, this morning their real life issue and question was whether a woman consents to sex when she goes out of town with a man. Like if a male asks a woman on an out of town trip - all expenses paid by the guy - is sex expected? There were  like nine women that called in with horror stories about not putting out when they went on a trip with a male companion - one woman's date left her at the hotel, one woman's date was livid and confronted her, etc.

One guy called in and said as soon as a woman gets on the plane she is consenting to getting it in! As soon as her butt hits that plane chair, she has said "yes to sex."

So, ladies,  next time you are asked on a romantic cruise and you aren't going to put out - think twice or be extremely upfront about your thoughts.

ON A SIDENOTE: This scenario happened to my mother when she was younger - she thought one of her guy friends was being too kind and wanted to just "hang out"... let's just say she got to the hotel (expecting two rooms) and there was one bed. She was on the next plane out of there. You live, you learn.

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