My writing can be nothing but stream of consciousness (right now)

Let's just put it out there most of my pieces are and will continue to be stream of consciousness. In my daily life EVERYTHING that I do has to be perfect... measured out to a tee, consistent sizes, identical decor and layers, and exact timing... y'all know that pastry design is a creative release BUT more so an exact science... so my writing reflects my need for complete ridiculousness. So, please don't tune in if you are looking for structured - perfect grammar, spelling, complete thoughts - I am not that writer RIGHT now.
perfection is the name of the game (in baking) BUT not in this life and mind of mine.

Like so many of us in our twenties, we are no longer in college (FREEDOM ZONE)  and we are starting or in our big girl and boy jobs... we have REAL life responsibilities and need a release. Every day there are about a million incomplete thoughts rushing through my mind and my writing is a place to completely let those out. I often think about life quality. Nature (blessings) vs. nurture (choices). Who I am and who I want to be. Tomorrow, today, and yesterday.  I very rarely sit down and think of something for more than 15 min. - my thoughts always jump to the next thing.... and here lately I don't want to control that.

I don't want to control my thoughts (outside of my work day and homework). So, you will get me... all of me. That's that. Fashion, thoughts, opinions, dreams, and love. I hope that I continue to hear from you and that I get to know you through this blog as well.

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