New Summer and Fall Look

Here lately, I've been stepping out of my summer uniform - of jean shorts, v-neck t-shirts, and boat shoes - for something more "airy" and more train appropriate (I hate when my bare skin touches the train seats).

My new look has been comprised of a tee-shirt with rolled sleeves (my favorite is my "Natural" t-shirt designed by my cousin, Ashley), a maxi skirt, and sandals. 
Click picture to go to link!  Ashley designed this shirt as well!

However, I can't wait until I can throw a sweatshirt over or instead of my t-shirt - I haven;t quite figured out my shoes, but a snug little sweatshirt over my tee would be perfect. It's such a comfortable look - it allows me to feel like I'm wearing my sweats without looking dressed down. Plus, there is something about mixing completely different looks together that's really attracting me right now. But then again, besides jeans, sweatshirts have been the longest lasting fashion staple in my closet. Since a very young age, sweatshirts have made me happiest to be in - something so comforting about them, but yet I'm totally capable of feel UBBER-SEXY in a sweatshirt. 


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