My T.V. Match (kinda): Patti Stanger

Things we have in common:
We love LOVE
We take LOVE very seriously
Think sex too soon in a relationship, will not produce lasting results
Believe in old fashioned "set-ups" (I believe I am a bit of a matchmaker)
We accept our generational calling (mine is not matchmaking)
Love "old-fashioned" romance - Man Courts Woman
Chivalry is NOT DEAD as far as we are concerned
We believe there is nothing wrong with (in fact, benefits to) traditional nuclear homes (woman stays home - raises the family, handles the home, etc.)
Believe there is nothing more powerful than love
Being a wife is something worth striving for (when you are ready)
We love LOVE
We take LOVE very seriously
Think sex too soon in a relationship, will not produce lasting results
Believe in old fashioned "set-ups" (I believe I am a bit of a matchmaker)
We accept our generational calling (mine is not matchmaking)
Love "old-fashioned" romance - Man Courts Woman
Chivalry is NOT DEAD as far as we are concerned
We believe there is nothing wrong with (in fact, benefits to) traditional nuclear homes (woman stays home - raises the family, handles the home, etc.)
Believe there is nothing more powerful than love
Being a wife is something worth striving for (when you are ready)