So, the other day, I was talking to a friend and she asked, "Shelby, what is it that you want to do?" I laughed and told her that it seemed like everyone was asking me that here lately and I understand that for many people this is an easy question and it used to be simple for me, too, but here lately it's gotten a bit harder for me to put it all in a little tight pretty package. So, I gave her the following list:
1. I want to work for my community. Meaning I want to use my talents to better the lives of others - whether that be education, lifestyle coach, mentor, dress for success, etc. or all of the above. This can mean that I work in the industry, volunteer a lot of my time, or become a philanthropist : )
2. I want to be active in my church - I want to be involved in a ministry. Now, this could be combined with number one
3. I want to continue to be a blogger, maybe publish some books, submit a few articles to magazines (here and there)...but writing for me is peaceful, so I don't want the pressures of a definite.
4. I want to open a restaurant with Mike - maybe a small cafe, a local diner, an elegant nightspot...
5. I want to work at a small community library (possibly once a week)
But one thing that I absolutely desire is to be a fabulous mother and wife. Here are some of my examples of mothers and/or wives that are completely fabulous!
Lynne Stone - She was at every parent-teacher conference, home-schooled my sister, worked in corporate America (but quit when she saw the need to take care of us - full time), cooked every meal, ran us to all of our practices, planned family vacations, kept us always together, instilled the importance of Christ and a simple life, while all along keeping herself together (aerobics and healthy eating) and going on weekly dates with my dad (26 years and still counting). Favorite memory: Before my dad would get home, she would put make-up on, perfume, a cute SAHM (stay-at-home mom) outfit, and finish dinner.
Other wives and/or mothers that rock my socks:
Eva Longoria, who calls herself a "1950's housewife" - love it!
Sarah Jessica Parker 
Nicole Ari Parker 
Angela Bassett
Halle Berry
Michelle Obama

Heidi Klum
Victoria Beckham