Style Tips of The Day: Less is...Less...
Tip #1: The only clothes in your closet should be clothes that look fabulous on you! No one needs a lot of clothes...only quality pieces that you can mix and match. In fact, the only thing that massive amounts of clothes do is hid the fabulous clothes you do have, give you the false illusion of your options, and dirties up your closet (which is the worst)...
If you don't have many clothes in your closet than you rarely have a "what should I wear morning or night"or an ill-fitted clothes day and you can have an organized closet.

Fun Fact: In order to be stylish and do a good deed for the community is: each season, go through your closet, get rid of everything you didn't wear this season or anything that didn't fit and give it to Good Will. Click here for other options for donating your clothes.
Tip #2:For a little fun, treat yourself with a small "recession" shopping spree...remember only buy items that you'll actually wear! If you need some help on how to "recession" shop, check out this article from Forbes (it's really interesting).
If you don't have many clothes in your closet than you rarely have a "what should I wear morning or night"or an ill-fitted clothes day and you can have an organized closet.

Fun Fact: In order to be stylish and do a good deed for the community is: each season, go through your closet, get rid of everything you didn't wear this season or anything that didn't fit and give it to Good Will. Click here for other options for donating your clothes.
Tip #2:For a little fun, treat yourself with a small "recession" shopping spree...remember only buy items that you'll actually wear! If you need some help on how to "recession" shop, check out this article from Forbes (it's really interesting).
These tips are from several sources: What Not To Wear, my beloved Domino magazine (RIP), and Lynne Stone...