Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Although I have an earache (a little microwaved olive oil on a cotton ball helped a bit), this morning has been excellent. I've tightened up the apartment, had my cup of coffee, a long hot shower followed by the coating of thick lotion (to protect me against the cold) and talked to Mike about life. Now, we are getting ready to go see the following show - watch this trailer if you are ready for goosebumps. Every time I watch or read documentaries like this, they often serve as a reminder of the rich culture that I come from but they also push me to ask myself  a few things:
  1. What would I have done? Would I stand by and watch as other's fought my battles?
  2. How am I taking advantage of the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King and the others before me? Am I the American dream that they fought for? 
  3.  How am I fighting for the equity of others - in my daily life? Am I truly (not faking the funk) fighting for the betterment of other people's lives? If not, what can I do?

Hope you aren't just enjoying a peaceful day off but also celebrating the life of a man that stood as the face of a movement for equity, anti-violence, self-love and an all around better America... 

Enjoy your day,
Shelby S. 

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