What accompanies you and your book?

While reading Star magazine, I ran into this picture and although the article was focusing on the Glee star's coat... I couldn't help but notice her Starbucks/book combo. Yes, books and coffee came before my fashion sense... or at the same time - I definitely noticed her blue faux -fur rimmed jacket, black bag and sunglasses (and no I have not downloaded the picture yet and I am not looking at it while I write this post...girl scout's honor... although I was only in girl scouts for two weeks) Anywho, stepping off my girl scout's soapbox, I was really excited to see someone else that loves a hot drink with their book, because that (and a sweet treat) is my favorite combo.

I have a friend, Christine, that loves Cheetos in bed while she dives into a book. When I was younger my favorite combo was going to Walgreens and purchasing a magazine and Sour Patches. I would go into my room, listen to some music and drift into paradise. Mike, on the other hand, has to set the mood. He needs soft jazz, a drink and his book. Do you have a favorite book combo?

P.S. If you are looking for a great book, here are some of my recommendations:

If you have any books that you can recommend - I would love to read them... please send them my way!

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