Please tell me that I am not crazy...

What do y'all think???

Background information: All week, I have been celebrating my birthday with friends. As with all of my conversations there is usually a segment about relations. So during a tea and manicure date, one of my friends and I were discussed recent relationship trends and she says:

"Yeah, I have a few friends dating men that are separated from their wives - as we get older it's like...first dating men with children, then men that have been married, now dating men that are sepera---"

"Still married." I said matter-of-factly.

"Well - yeah, I guess. It's like get out of what you are in and THEN move on.

"To be honest, forget about what they should do - what is happening is an affair. The way I see it most of the time...the couple really isn't "separated." Shoot, call his wife and ask her if it's okay that you are sleeping with her husband, because they are so "separated." Also, you are separated because both or one party isn't quite sure about divorce - MEANING, YOU ARE STILL MARRIED...or there is something left there."

"Yeah, it's just weird because she sees herself in the near future taking it to the next step with this guy."

"I know marriage isn't their next step - considering the fact that it legally cannot be BECAUSE he is still in a marriage."

Like you guys am I being crazy or is dating a "separated" man or woman - adultery because they are still married? Is it any more difficult than that?!? Is this a NEW trend?

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