Bravo to you Urban Fashion - for staying true to you!

I am happy that the whole world is starting to see the appeal, the creativity and the overall flava of urban fashion! I am using urban for a lack of a better word and when I say urban I mean: 80s big hoop earrings, lip gloss POPPIN', flashy bright colors, crazy sneakers, nameplates or thick gold/silver necklaces, namerings (especially your boo's name), "BABY hair" (yeah I said it) always laid, crazy creative hair (big hair, slick in a ponytail, a-symmetrical cut, etc.) and crazy nails (long or short - they need to be bright and/or decorated).

My dedication to urban fashion goes so deep that I stopped watching, "What Not To Wear" because Clinton and Stacy said that hoop earrings were a no-no. This was coupled with my feeling that they were going beyond curing the fashionably insane but were flavor-cleansing - I couldn't see another woman in a wrap dress that hit right below her knees, or a dull color and a pair of jungle green shoes for flash.

Needless to say, I've had to find ways to play with my style while growing up, which can be very difficult. But regardless of the morning struggles, I refuse to thrown in my towel and settle for a no-edge wardrobe because my father's words always ring in my ears:

"Girl, when you go out into this world YOU BETTER know who you are because there will always be someone or people that will try to tell you who you are, what you believe and what you can achieve."

I used to think that these words were most important during high school or college - you know with those weird social dynamics at play. BUT the older that I get the more that I see - he is sooooo right! The struggle to keep one's self totally original, authentic, genuine and overall celebrated is ridiculously hard. There is a constant battle of assimilation and social cues that are so strong that it's hard to deny them and to continue to walk down one's own path. In addition to that, how many of us still think "when I grow up, I want to be...or I am going to be a" now it's more like "gotta keep, I am going nowhere...maybe I can't be a..." It's like swimming against a strong tide - every time there is a moment of peace in one's self and accomplishments there is this backlash (a strong negative wave) that hits you and it is unpredictable, swift and earth shattering...


So, it simply has to do with realizing who you are fashion wise and playing with it. We can't all break all the rules in all settings but it's so important to bring a piece of you to everything that you wear. And I am happy that due to designers, fashionistas, artists, preachers (come on gator shoes) and common people who refused to turn down the flash...there is a wave in general and massive fashion and that tidal wave is URBAN FASHION!

So let's put our glasses (imagine your beverage of choice - Shirley Temple sounds delicious right now) in the air and give a "BRAVO" to the strides of urban fashion! "Bravo" to seeing urban fashion in all of the major editorial magazines, runways, and department stores (outside of the "urban area of the mall"! "BRAVO" that urban fashion is finally getting the affirmation that it deserves!

Hey even, Tony the Tiger is into urban clothing (I just thought this was funny):

My only fear and I do have one - is that now that urban fashion is getting accolades and being seen everywhere...will people begin to twist it into something that besides urban fashion? Like, will this fashion inspiration that has originated from hip hop culture be taken and made into simply "couture" and no one will acknowledge what inspired these fashion trends? Will the accolades be given to the crew of Gossip Girl or whatever? Hmmm. Food for thought.

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