Rubber Ducky...You're the One...

Last night, my back was on FIIIIIIYYYYEEERRRR (fire). After a workout, sitting at work, walking around – I literally didn’t know what to do to get the pressure out of my back. Then it hit me – I pushed the boys (Mike and our nephew David) out of the house. RANDOM SIDENOTE: My nephew, David, is staying with us for a year J This is his third month.

So back to our regular programing. I put the boys on a Chipotle run. Knowing I had 45 min. I turned on the warm water for the tub, turned off every light in the house, lit the candles, anointed my apartment with oil (and prayers) to bring in a peaceful spirit (although it’s been an amazing week – never know when your body is stressed or sensing something not-quite right), laid out my pjs (on a freshly made bed), and then I experienced complete utopia. It was perfection. The bubbles – the warmth – the candles – the peace… there is absolutely nothing like a bubble bath. I don’t care what the critics say  (“you are sitting in your own filth”) there is nothing about soaking in a clean bathtub, full of hot water, and bubbles that makes me feel cleaner, fresher, and ultra fem. I even poured some olive oil in it. It was Heavenly and for once I allowed my hair to get as wet as it wanted to be – thank God for not having to be afraid of water and my hair (finally). I wasn’t washing it, I wasn’t trying to get it wet – but I was at ease and could be – no worries of blow drying…nope today it’s clipped back and looking just fine J.  

Anyways, my back definitely felt better in the morning… okay, truthfully Mike gave me a little massage before bed. His hands definitely helped work some magic,  BUT the bath helped alleviate so much lower back pain. Thought I would share…

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