Surviving Professional Life |
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose........ Top 10 ways to Survive in Corporate America
So what’s the secret to surviving or getting ahead at the work place (ie CORPORATE AMERICA)? I was asked to share my female perspective on this topicI have been in the workforce for over 20 years and have spent 99% of that time in Corporate America at various companies. I think the Corporate Game is the same wherever you go. There may be different experiences (for men and women) and it may be different depending on the type of business....but one thing is for sure Corporate America is not for everyone.
Yes - I think that sums it up. For me that word conjures up memories of all the non-electronic board games I played as a kid: Clue, Battleship, Don't Break the Ice, Life (to name a few). You ask....What does board games this have to do with Corporate America? Well it’s simple....· Board games are designed to challenge your mind to its limits
· Board games are highly competitive and build higher level thinking skills
· Board games are extremely simple to play yet require you to build sound strategies
Doesn't that sound like Corporate America? Maybe that is why I survived for it 2 decades because I always loved to play board games....have to thank my mom for that!
I hope to share an interesting mixture of tips ranging from work/life balance, to avoiding embarrassing mistakes, to acting like you know what you’re talking about when you’re in charge. In the end its not that hard, it isn't rocket science, mostly comment sense but you would be surprised how many people lack common sense in Corporate America.
1. Learn the Rules (like in any game)
Especially in Corporate America, you have to know how things get done. If you don’t know, ask. You have to know what the proper procedures are before you can know how to bend the rules them without breaking them. In some positions, you will have to bend them sooner or later so learn fast.
2. Be Honorable and Decent -Have Integrity and Respect for yourself and others
Ok this may sound like the HR spiel but I have always tried to do the "right thing" at work. I’m not sure that it has always helped my career in a tangible sense, but I am glad that I have done it even if it hasn’t gotten me anything. I know I have done my best and didn’t stab anyone in the back or step on someone's neck on my way up the so called Corporate Ladder.
I believe if something goes wrong or you make a mistake, it is better to confess and fix the problem than cover up the problem. The cover-up is typically always worse than the original problem. Clam up, and you can take yourself and your entire team down the rabbit hole. It’s easier for your management to fix something early on rather than have it simmer and explode
If you know bad news is coming deliver it in advance. Bad news by surprise at the last minute is not good and you may be chastised for not disseminating the information sooner. Everybody looks for a scape goat - don’t be it.
3. Take a Deep Breath & Pause
Take a few minutes before responding to anything. Read that email, and then read it again. Heck get up from your desk, walk around and then re-read it. Remember don’t read into an email. If it is not clear – don’t fly off the handle and trip! CALL and talk to the sender because the initial reaction to a message may not be what the sender intended. Remember once you hit send (ok you can recall messages SOMETIMES) it’s gone.
Listen to that voicemail several times before responding – especially if it is about a sensitive situation because in today’s world of email most people calling you don’t want a record on email.
Don’t over communicate either! Thank you for thanking me and 100 people thanking everyone on the team via email. My company inactivated the "Reply to All" button on everyone’s email. THAT is how bad it got.....
If you have to send a detailed email to a large audience, type it, then go back and edit...Or ask some else to review it...sometimes 2 heads are better than 1
When you are frustrated at work...just pause and breathe...get some air….the world is not coming to an end
4. Work to Live, Don’t Live to Work
Don’t put your ALL in your work, share some with your LIFE. That brings me to vacation time. Use it!!!. Companies are cracking down on "carry over vacation" They want you to take the time - Remember in most cases that is YOUR benefit given to you. I realize every position can’t do this - sometimes someone has to be there and you need to coordinate with other employees. But if you don’t use your time. Being there ALL THE TIME does not make you look makes you look like a loser....people who never go anywhere (heck even it’s a stay-cation at home) are sorta frowned upon. Being or appearing to be a work-a-holic, staying late into all hours of the night (just because….. not because you are working on a project that has a deadline) used to be "the way" but with the age of electronics/laptops blackberry’s - lots of managers say..humm.. Are they working hard or are they working inefficiently? You do the math (while on vacation LOL). Heck we all look at those dang electronics on vacation anyway
Remember, if the deadline isn’t for today, the work will be there tomorrow.
5. Learn and Set Goals
Ask lots of questions and take lots of notes!! You can always learn something new so don’t be afraid to ask. Most people enjoy sharing their knowledge If your workload is thin, ask your supervisor for additional responsibilities. You may think you are getting away with doing nothing at work (ie The "Do-Nothings"), but your manger knows you aren’t doing anything. An employee with no gumption, nothing to do, and no goals .........first to go.
This lead to Goals.....Have a development plan and set goals for yourself. Sit down with your supervisor ever 6 months (even if you have to request it) and take inventory of where you are at. Seek out positive and constructive feedback. Ask if you are on point, doing your role etc. Don’t wait unit the end of the year performance appraisal time to hear you are on probation for something you did or didn’t do mid year. This way you have time to correct your actions. If you have a supervisor who wont do it...write up your own goals and actives you understand to be your responsibility and email (keep that copy) to your supervisor for a permanent record.
6. Issue Management/Resolution
There are really three ways to deal with a bad situation:1. Talk to someone to see if you can change it; Start with the person the issue resonates from and try to resolve; speak to your supervisor and relay the issue – see if they can assist in resolution; move on to HR if its that bad (tell your supervisor as well)
2. Leave the situation -sometimes you have to let it go. Learn to pick your battles
3. If none of the above work, change your attitude - agree to disagree
7. Management Tip
When in a management position, you do not have to know the answer to everything. Be prepared to know how to get the answer and who to go to get the answer.
8. Always Be Positive
Always stay positive around your peers. A positive attitude, no matter how much you don’t like a situation, will go further and bring more success than you will ever get by following the crowd of people that bitch about how bad things are going.9. Don’t
Over-Worry-If you can’t control it, worrying about it is a waste of time.Be over dramatic at work - look we all have bad days/day weekend but no one (especially management) wants to hear or overhear you are still talking about some drama situation be it work OR personal. Things happen and management looks to see who handles (or can’t handle) situations. Dramatize everything?? You will be gone
Wear your rosey colored glasses to work - this is real life and it’s not always fair
Blend -in - you don’t have to be the one everyone remembers from the Christmas Party but you should position yourself to be recognizable and someone people seek out for answers (in a positive way)
Remember, it’s a job not a talk show or gossip magazine. Nobody really cares or wants to hear in cubicle-land every detail of what you did over the weekend ... use the standard. How was your weekend? Great and yours? Good...see ? your done... No need to "well I went to the club and I" No! Keep it simple stupid!
If you hear someone is getting fired, laid off etc.. MIND YOUR BUSINESS......people come and go for many reasons. It’s sad...... but folks....move on .....Nothing more to see here
10. Be Flexible
Nothing stays the same but change. There will be good and no so good changes in
Corporate America. The faster you learn to deal with the changes and embrace change (or appear to) the better off you will be. If you can’t handle change – get out of Corporate America