Something about someone going for their dreams...

Vote for my girl, Rachel! I recently got the following email from my girl, Rachel. And it struck me, because there is something amazing about someone going for their dreams pushing past all discouragement. Please vote for her:

Hey Folks,
So if you're receiving this e-mail, it is because I have enough faith in you to vote for me on a daily basis (multiple times a day:) for this contest I'm in.   Most of you know that my dream is to be an entertainment correspondent.  At the urging of one my mentors, I have entered this contest on to be the next celebrity correspondent.  I initially was really excited, but after seeing the voting process I became a bit discouraged.  The issue is you can vote every 30 seconds. Ridiculous right?! But the way some of y'all facebook and tweet, I figure I might have a fighting chance against some of the unemployed mojos that I will be going up against.  The Cooper-Johnson in me wants to get 1000 votes a day.  That is just 10 of us voting 100 times. (is my math right Julius?) Ambitious, yea...but so what!   So here's the deal, go to this link:
Click on vote now
I'm on page 29 (so type that in)
Rachel J.
Leave your window open, and vote every time you think of it.  I've been at my desk for 20 minutes and have voted several times.
You can vote from your phone and your computer.
If I don't win, that's fine, but I feel like I should at least try.  With that said, here we go! I'll keep you posted on what happens! If there is someone that I am missing from this e-mail that you think could be helpful, let me know! Also, you can definitely forward this to people who you think will help!
PS. My question 3 got messed up during the process. It should say: "In the song 'New Day' on the Watch The Throne album you talk to your future son and discuss the things you would want him to avoid. If you could only choose one of the mistakes you made in your lifetime, which one would you tell him had the worst impact on your life?"

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