A Week!

It seems like there are some women that have it all together. Life seems very manageable - if not incredibly easy: hair done, nails done, house clean, delicious meals, great job (that she is excellent at), work out schedule tight, etc. etc. etc.

Well. I am not her.

In fact, I think this is the longest time between posts - I think. And why you ask have I not written?  Life has been too busy - IN FACT, right now I am posting just for the pure purpose of a "to-do" list. Writing is still a passion, but I am feeling slightly over saturated with stuff right now. For example - we bought a cat (a week ago), the cat is extremely extremely sick. In fact, our cat is in the hospital over night. So, I've had to work - a few different jobs - every day and go to DC for school and have had to come home each night to a very sick cat. We've gone to the hospital twice and have been running back and forth to get antibiotics. I literally feel like I am up to my head in stuff.

Doctors say we may need to put the cat down A.K.A "make a hard decision" - which stresses me out even more! I feel like the bags under my eyes are deepening and that I literally haven't taken any time to meditate or reflect.  How do "those" women keep it all together? Do "they" exist?

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