No Secret: Just Work!

I'm not a thin woman - by no means. I've never been one to give out "staying skinny" tips - because frankly I've never been asked...UNTIL I entered the pastry business.

I cannot tell you guys how often I get asked about my weight...

Now, let's be clear: I love being asked and having conversations about health, weight, food, exercise, etc.

But what I don't like is to be told why I'm thin - which customers like to do.

Like I've been told, I stay small because of:
  • Genes: "Look at you - you're so lucky - you're genetically small - I'd be huge."
  • Dislike of Sweets: "Oh my goodness - how do you stay small? You must not eat this stuff - you're probably so tired of seeing it."
  • Dislike of Food: "This must be all that you eat." 
  • Some Deep Dark Secret: "I'm sure you have your secrets...devices." 
In the beginning I used to do a nervous chuckle and say "I dunno." Don't judge me - remember, I've never been in the "thin" circle and even now - before people hear what I do - I'm not a part of the club.  

And personally, being skinny/thin is not no longer my mission in life. I do, however, know my "happy size." A "happy size" - the body size that you feel your best in. I was reading that most people have a happy size. It shouldn't take too much [unhealthy] effort to maintain - your body naturally feels good there. Like you shouldn't have to eat a daily big mac to stay there nor starve yourself.  Whether a size 4 or 16 - it's where you feel and look your loveliest and healthiest.

That said, here lately - due to a lack of sleep or just an all-around disdain for people telling me about myself (and many times talking at me) - I've been wanting to scream:

THERE IS NO SECRET TO BEING "THIN" - like everything in life - if you want it - you have to work at it. No it's not genes! Yes, I love sweets! Yes, I love food! Yes, I eat them all - and I drink beverages outside of water!  And no, I don't throw up at the end of my shift! There is nothing that you can drink that will allow you to consume a WHOLE LOTTA ANYTHING (but veggies) and not feel and see* the physical effects of it. God, didn't design us that way.
 *Sometimes "see" - don't let me get on my "fat is not a look" soap box! I hate the fact that we measure healthiness by size - it's NOT A FAIR INDICATOR! woooooosssssssaaaaaaaaa.  

Anyways, there is no way that I can, as a 28-year old woman (without "thin genes") indulge in pastry, food, and leisure and not feel the outcome of it. I would never be at my happy size doing this - which is why I run up and down the stairs at work (around two flights - 15 times a day), I walk during lunch, I ride my bike, I go to the gym, I wake up early and workout. I cook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (with minimal preservatives and processed food). I don't eat sweets outside of work on work days (if I've already tasted a dozen at work). I rarely ever eat after 7:30 pm.

Like most people, I work to be my happy size.

Side note: Thank God my mission isn't to be thin or super fit, because then I'd have to give up on my lounging around the house days (no break days for the uber-fit) and nights, my weekend desserts, margaritas...I'd have to calorie in moderation...and quite frankly I'm not willing to work that hard. 

All this to say, Tasha said it best "if you want something you make time for it." You figure it out and you WORK for it. There is nothing tried-and-true BUT work. Work. Work. Work. Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. PRAYER. PRAYER. PRAYER.  

Speaking of work - this video speech rocks my socks off - watch the first six minutes:

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