My Story (Part 2) Ms Perfect...

Read Part 1 - before reading this - it will make more sense... M is not the letter her name begins with...just thought it was random enough...
MoptopMaven - Seriously (besides her recent scandal) was there a more perfect blogger - thousands of followers, amazing hair, great life, incredible style, photo perfection, fabulous friends, and a booming job as a jewelry designer...

Anyways, I asked my mom to briefly give me a summary of what she read. She said the journal started with me asking the Lord
Why did you make M---- so perfect - how is it was possible for an individual to be so incredible? How can I be like that?
Just by hearing the name - I knew exactly how old I was - exactly what year of school I was in  - and all the memories and emotions rushed back in to me.
"That is so funny," I said "because I still think that M---- is super perfect."
We both laughed.

I'm not close friends with M and she doesn't blog (publicly) - so I don't know her imperfections, her fears, her insecurities. She is someone that comes in and out of my life briefly - always giving me something to ponder on. "Lord, how does she do it?" She's the kind of woman that after I've left her presence - I can literally count five things that I wish that I didn't do or say...
"Really, Shelby, you had to tell her - you hated the movie - you couldn't have just been positive - and "seen the good parts of the film" auuughhhhh...and then the last joke about the Hippo and the plane...what was I thinking...errr"

Throughout my life, I've met more Ms (Perfect). They are not all women...not all fact, my Ms don't have much in common...

Most of them are attractive, have a great sense of humor, show no signs of awkward tendency, are always positive, intelligent, and everything just seems effortless... they are usually the people that show up to the restaurant on a hot day - completely early sipping their drink of choice, effortlessly chic, and not a sweat bead in sight...
"oh it's totally fine that you are a little late, gave me time to read this interesting article on world hunger in Indonesia - I traveled there two months ago and was able to feed about forty children, save two seniors from death, and restore a family's aggregation system... all while wearing these beat up Tom-Toms - but enough about me - how are you? what have you been up to?" 
Ummmm... doing a little bit of reading myself... about a cookie baker that solves local murder mysteries...

When I was younger I used to try to emulate the Ms... it never worked. After a few minutes of being "perfect" I would pull off the mask and do something or say something that exposed my inner/outer ridiculousness... whether it would be fall down a flight of stairs, say something outlandish, tell a joke that got NOT ONE laugh, have something green in between my teeth, go into awkward mode, get really offended at a "cool" joke, disagree with the majority, tell a very disturbing story (that I watched on 20/20, Law and Order, Dateline, etc.), throw out random statics (actually one in five  people have Irritable Bowel Syndrome), get lost in my thoughts, become extremely guarded, admit something really embarrassing about myself (I am the "One" out of five at this table with IBS) or bang into a very visible table...

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