This movie looks hilarious, but...
I'm really concerned with the end - where the guy accidently hits the baby. I was in the movie theater when I saw this preview and at the punching scene there was this "oh no" and then abrupt laughter...
I felt the same cringe a few years ago, when watching a trailer for a comedy (can't remember which movie) where a man punches a woman...
Then the same sick to my stomach feel when I saw a man hit a grandma (in another comedy)...
Listen, these comedies are hilarious and as much as I like to remember they are for entertainment, I can't ignore domestic, child and senior abuse. It's a horrendous trend and the numbers are high... I just don't know how we, as a society, can preach against the wrongs (that kill so many women, children, and elderly) and then laugh at the same time.