Whatta Blessing...

Oh Tash My gosh! Twelve years and counting...
Over the past two months - I've been able to connect with sooo many of my girlfriends. It's like what my heart and soul needed. For an entire year (and some change) - I had to forgo so much weekend fun, brunches, weeknight dinners, and travel time to see friends/family. It feels so good to be able to be with brand new friends ( 1 year or less), newer friends (3 years or less), my adult friends (6 years or less), my college friends (oh man up to 10 years!!! LADIES), my high school chicas (14 years or less), and my childhood friends (yes, I have preschool friends...so...ummm...24ish years or less)...not to mention my lifers (honestly, we've just always known one another)...

It literally feels like I am a plug being put into it's socket - I'm recharging and feeling more like myself daily.  Being able to be back in the presence of my friends - reminds me of the Lord's grace, mercy, and His knowledge of each of us. He knows what we need and He is so good in His providing it.

To be honest, I tease all of friends saying "we will be friends forever." And although long lasting friendships are my desire (I believe in the power of "claiming" what you want) - I understand that it's not always the case. Some friendships are just for a season, some are off (months/years of losing touch) and on (then years of being inseparable), and others are steady (ebb and flow). I am not quite sure which friendships will stand the test of time, which will fade gracefully throughout the years, which new friendships will bloom, which will fallout in a less than ideal way (hopefully none), or which friendships will drop off to be picked up later... 
but one thing I do know for sure is that I feel so blessed that during this season...during this moment...I have such amazing people in my life. For this (true friendship) I am grateful.

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