Take Joy...

After a run. I pour myself a cup of hot coffee. Make myself some grits and granola. And sit down to pour my soul into my journal. I have so much to pray about. As I ran, I saw both rich and poor. So much homelessness, mental/emotional/physical issues, and what am I doing? I feel so helpless...how can I help!?! As soon as I open my journal I see:
"From the depths of your own heart admire your own virtuous actions and those of others. Take joy in the good things you have done in this lifetime."

- The Fourteenth Dali Lama.

My Reflection: Thank you, Jesus, for this quote. I would, however, like to change the last sentence to "Take joy in the good things You have done in this lifetime."

Most of my prayers and daily devotion - deals with me praying for myself and others. They are God-help me and them prayers. But Lord, today, I would like to switch it up and give thanks. Not just ask for things and miraculous works - but thank you for the things that You have already done.

Thank you, Lord, for: 
Quiet times
The right job opportunity 
Making me wait... learning the virtue of patience
Shelter in the heat and in the cold
Food to eat

Thank you, Lord, for:
Religious rights - without massive persecution
Thank you, Lord, for:
Dedicated teachers
Genuine social workers
Honest police officers
Civil Rights workers
Those that give time and money to those that need it
Peace workers
Social Justice workers 
People that are making a difference
Those that feed, serve, and give shelter to the homeless
Those that give comfort to the sick
People that love and care for properly care for the orphans 
Women that walk the streets to talk to, help, and restore prostitutes
Overcomers that share their testimonies
Those speaking out against bullying

Thank you, Lord for:
Your love
Blessing me with the man of my dreams
Having a childhood
Being able to run
Having a healthy functional body
The little aches and pains - thank you for not being numb
A heart to serve and a body that is able

Thank you, Lord, for:
The random smile
The out-of-nowhere act of kindness
The man that lets me sit on the train (I hope he doesn't think I'm pregnant)
That perfect parking spot
The new generation (so many of my friends are having babies)

Thank you, Lord, for:
Seeing the first black president
Michelle Obama
Beyonce (I had too)

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the faith to believe in You. You have been my friend when I've been friendless. My peace in the storm. My strength when I felt helpless. My provider when I had nothing. You have been my Savior. You have been my example of love. You have and will always be my everything. Thank you.

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