I said.
Yesterday, after Sunday service and brunch with friends, Mike and I took a family nap. We piled in bed and slept like babies. It was amazing. Until I woke up with Ace's foot in my rib. This is fairly typical - but he moves a lot so I knew the pain wouldn't last too long.
I was wrong. He wouldn't move. It was super uncomfortable and we had tried all our tricks - a walk, movement, a gentle rub. Nothing could move this boy's foot.
"Hey, a few women have told me that they literally moved the foot out of the way,"I told Mike.
"Okay, do you want me to push it down then?"
So Mike pushes and the foot disappears for two seconds - before delivering a chop kick that literally left me breathless (after my yelp of pain). Mike's hand literally flew off my belly, because he was freaked out. In silence and pain - we just looked at one another.
Mike slowly and silently put his hand back on my ribs where the foot had returned.
I just sat there - until Mike broke the ice: I guess Ace was like, "I saaaaaaiiiiiddddd I want my foot right here!"
We bursted out laughing. Whatta journey.
Mike put up the crib, yesterday! One step closer - now for car seat and stroller.