Baby onboard - drive with caution.
My new goal is to get up and get going. One thing that I used to do, but have not mastered since becoming a mother is getting myself dressed and ready in the morning. I need to play the role - but staying in my pjs and sweats all morning and afternoon is getting old. I know that there is an adjustment period and I want to be easy on myself. That said, I also am ready start getting myself together and get back into my groove. As I write this, I am definitely listening to Grown Womnan by my love, Beyonce. I need to get on my grown woman - I need to get down to business and that starts with getting in my groove. And I cannot groove without a hot shower, smelling of soap and perfume, my curls crazed, a clean and comfortable outfit (that includes a clean sweat shirt smelling like clean laundry), nails freshly painted, and minimum make up (my must haves include blush and lip gloss), and of course a cup of some deliciousness. I am tired of being blah physically daily. There will be days that I don't hit my goal - but it's a goal. I have to start mentally getting in a place that "motherhood" is added to who I am and not becomes all that I am. I want to maintain me and although getting dressed first thing in the morning seems superficial and small - it is a reminder of Shelby, the intellectual and spiritual woman and the sexual being. I need my appearance to reflect the many hats of me and currently it simply screams "baby onboard - drive with caution."
Here goes nothing! I'm a big girl now - foooooor rrrreeeealllll!