Neiko is going bald.

Neik-Neik is going bald.

Doesn't bother me or Neik, it's absolutely normal.  Heck, in fact, it's quite nostalgic to me. I smile at the thought of my sweet baby with a comb over. It reminds me of my late grandpa and my little sister. Both had the no hair up top and massive hair around the edges look - my grandfather in late age and Renny as a newbie (and unfortunately older infant).

But I can tell it bothers Mike. He says it doesn't, but he openly admits he doesn't understand my obsession and pride in our baby's hair loss. Yesterday as I was changing our son. I love picking out his little outfits - it's my time to get creative. Another thing, Mike says he doesn't mind - but then wonders (loudly) why Neiko is wearing three different striped patterns. WORK WITH ME, DARLING.  Anyways, while I am getting him ready, I say:

"You know what Neik needs more of?" 
He definitely thought we were on the same page. 
"No, little moving lions."*
"Oh yeah that too" 

No buddy - you've just admitted you want to cover our little munchkin's head. 

*Neiko loves his little twirling lions (I don't know the accessory name - my mama lingo isn't up to standards yet) 

I guess every parent has something. Neik also has little breakouts - again, totally normal. The doctor, the books, and the sites say that it doesn't bother the baby. Well, as an expert in skin flare ups - I, too, have dealt with hives, eczema, heat rashes, and acne - I must say all of them are quite aggravating. So, when I read several sources sighting the liquid gold (bmilk) as the cure all - I had to  give it a try. I mean, really, if you had ointment oozing out your fingers - would you not help a friend that has a minor injury?!?! So, when I was bf - I went a head and let some fall onto my hands (thinking that it's just me and the babe)... well, right as I was performing my duties as mother healer:

"Shelby, what are you rubbing on his head?" 
Mike looking around for something liquid - he's starting to look worried...
"I read that..." 
"Shelby, what are you rubbing on his head? Is he sweating like that?!?"
He's now making his way into the room to touch Neiko
"IT'S BM" 
"It's what? Do you need a towel?" 
He wants to save me - he wants to pretend. He knows he saw me rubbing this boy's head. He knows I'm doing it on purpose.
His eyes look sad and he just walks out. 


P.S. RANDOM HELPFULNESS During the early mornin' feed, I'm reading The NYT about how car seats should be turned rear side until children are two years old. SUCKS! I was totally ready to turn Neiko facing me and he's a month...23 more months to go. Babies are 75 % less likely to be harmed or killed in rearfacing carseats during  serious accidents than those faced forward. DISTURBING fact: they actually call the seats "orphan" seats - because many times the babies are the only ones to survive the accident. Wowszahs.

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