
I know I talk about it a lot. It's kinda theme - but I feel so strongly connected to nature and based on our last family day - a picnic in the park - I think Neiko loves nature too! 

The pix below is a little time with his diaper off - pure bliss. 
                  Our first selfie: 

Many of the greats loved nature - read this article from The Huffington Post: 

Hemingway, Thoreau, Jefferson and the Virtues of a Good Long Walk

Solvitur ambulando -- "it is solved by walking." This phrase refers to the 4th-century-B.C. Greek philosopher Diogenes's response to the question of whether motion is real -- he got up and walked. "It is solved by walking." As it turns out, there are many other problems and paradoxes to which walking is the solution. For instance: In our culture of overwork, burnout, and exhaustion, in which we're connected and distracted 24/7 from most things that are truly important in our lives, how do we tap into our creativity, our wisdom, our capacity for wonder, our well-being and our ability to connect with what we really value? Solvitur ambulando.

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