A short story.

I was reading my old posts and ran across this story and it gave me shivers all over again. To have love, loyalty and commitment like this in my final days...augh...too much for words.

This is what love is about to me. Love is about going through the drama, through the pain and savoring the amazing times, the laughs, the pure joy and accepting someone for their good and their bad ...and at the end of the day when it's all said and done, you have someone that not only knows who you are but who wants to stand with you until the very end. Hope you enjoy! TGIF.

Shelby S.

The Commitment of Love...

Posted by Shelby S. in
This is a beautiful story from Become a Better You, Joel Osteen:

I heard a true story about the president of a prestigious university. He was an older gentlemen and a well respected leader. Later in his life, his wife developed Alzheimer's. Month after month, her condition grew progressively worse. Several years down the road, the disease had so impaired her mind that she could not even recognize her husband anymore. They were a relatively affluent couple, so the gentlemen hired nurses to help care for his ailing wife.

Then one day, he went in and announced to the university board of directors that he was going to resign so he could spend his full time taking care of his wife. The board members tried to talk him out of it, reminding him how needed he was. One board member spoke up and said, "In all respect, sir, why would you want to do this? Your wife doesn't even know who you are."

The university president looked the board member in the eye and said, "I made a commitment to this woman over fifty years ago. She may not know who I am, but I know who she is."

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