My personal reflection: Am I willing to die on the treadmill?

It's 1:51 p.m. and I've been at Caribou coffee since early this morning and stayed up last night until the wee hours of the morning. I am slightly sleepy and working off of my Pandora's Estelle mix, Earl Grey, coffee, and almond and blueberry oatmeal.
I've been spending nearly every day in A coffee shop, library, bookstore, or my dining room table. I'm constantly working on CheekSweet website (, business plan, price analysis, CheekSweets procedure manual, operations chart, financial-aid "issues" for culinary school, market research and analysis, etc.

And every time I get slightly annoyed, Mike reminds me "nothing worth having is easy. If it was easy everyone would have it."

God, he is so right. As I get older, the more that I realize how few people are willing to do the work. Everyone has a thousand and ten dreams, but very few of us are willing to do the work. It reminds me of an interview, I watched. The interviewer asked a chef, "aren't you afraid of putting all your recipes out there?" And the chef answered, "Of course not. One thing about human beings is that although people have the recipe very few people will actually put the work in to create the meal."

It's so funny, because I often get compliments on Mike. There are always people asking me about his work ethic - "you are married to him - how does he do it? How does he get all the work done? Or how in the world did he get to this point?" And I must say it's a lot of prayer and doing what he says he is going to do. As Will Smith says, we have to have a vision and then DO IT. No shortcuts, no quitting, no excuses - do what you set out to do. There isn't any secret to Mike's madness, but he prays and if Mike says he is going to do something (send an e-mail, take out the trash, be the president of student association, go to grad school), he does it. He is a believer in doing what he says he will do. There has been many-a-night, where he has taken the trash out at 5 a.m. because he said he would do it before he goes to bed. He didn't get into ANY of his grad school choices the first year, he applied the second year and almost didn't get in again BUT stayed consistent and now he is a Graduate Assistant (on full-scholarship - thank you, Jesus) at his first choice MBA school.

As Will puts it, "Be willing to die on the treadmill." What that means is that he is not the most skilled actor nor  is he the most talented person, but you will not outwork him. If he gets on the treadmill beside you and you guys are running, you may be faster, you may have more technique, but he will die before he gets off of that treadmill - you will not OUT RUN him. He is willing to die while trying to get to his vision. This vision can be motherhood, being an incredible wife, being an award-winning writer, being a lawyer, etc.

Now that I believe the Lord has given me me the vision, desire, and the open door  - am I ready to step on the treadmill?


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