Favorite Videos Right Now

This is one of my favorite videos, because I love the words of this song. But last night, when Mike and I looked up the video...I was runnin' my mouth, y'all. I was talking about how T.I. should have put Tiny in the video..."yeah he looks good (really...really...good), but he ain't right! He selfish...he hides her..." blah...blah...blah. Well... let's just say I ate my words.

I love this video, because I am obsessed with Monica - have been since "just one of them days!" I will always hype her (lol) but also because the words are beautiful and I love her choice. Love can be pure emotion, but choosing a partner (esp. a marriage partner) should be of the mind as well. It's so easy to act out of pure passion, loyalty, and comfort...but when you make decisions from the heart, the soul and the mind...whewwweeee...it's the best way to go!

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