Here's To Chasing After Both!
Since deciding about my move, people continue to ask me “How does it feel to be unemployed in two weeks? Or statements like, “boy, there is a lot of uncertainty coming your way…” or "man, you seem sooo happy, what's going on after you leave?" And I can only answer the questions by telling this story:
I am in an over-sized pink/white stripped cotton button down shirt, boyfriend style white shorts, my shirt is half-way tucked in and my hair is Texas-style (BIG and straight). On the table rests a white mug full of lukewarm coffee and half eaten Pillsbury crescent. I have about twenty minutes to jot down my thoughts before I have to be on the train heading into the city. Etta James is singing quietly in the background and the air condition is humming.
Back to the drawing board... my inspiration book is open to a blank page. I frantically jot down my thoughts:
-Creative writing class (needed)
-Culinary classes (the perfect detail)
-Book Store/library (a home away from home)
-Starbucks (part-time equals insurance and a lot of coffee)
-Retail (clothes, discounts, people watching)
I am writing in my favorite pink pen, so I take a minute to admire the pink scribbles and total random thoughts. All of my thoughts are in their own bubble - a bubble chart. I smile thinking about my students.
-Community involvement (a must)
-Small group leader (am I ready?)
Knock...knock..I am kicked into reality. It's Perry, my landlord and a woman. She looks like she is in her late-twenties, she has short strawberry blond hair, a simple sundress, and a smile. She is here to look at my apartment. She compliments our apartment and we have small talk.
In a British accent she asks, "are you excited about leaving?
"Yes! I am moving to DC."
Then she asks the three frequently asked questions:
"Do you already have an apartment?
"Do you have a job?"
"Why are you moving?"
"I'm chasing after my love."
"I must say if there is anything to chase after it's love...or your imagination."
"Funny that you say that, I am actually chasing both and I'm sure it's going to be quite the adventure."
Although there are brownstones surrounding me, as I walk down the New York City street I imagine myself running through the jungle. I trip over weeds, wheeze while running up the hills and I get slapped in my face by a low-hanging branch. I am running in an unknown jungle and I only have a faint idea of what I’m running towards. I hand the details to the Lord. I suddenly think of Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” And yet, I think of Ms. Brownings, “God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame.” I guess what I am trying to say is that regardless of the uncertainty and the obstacles that are bound to arise, I am just so joyful. It feels liberating to let go of my fears, to stop analysing the situation, and to just start running. At the end of the day, there's nothing I'd rather do more than chase after Love and Imagination…
Back to the drawing board... my inspiration book is open to a blank page. I frantically jot down my thoughts:
-Creative writing class (needed)
-Culinary classes (the perfect detail)
-Book Store/library (a home away from home)
-Starbucks (part-time equals insurance and a lot of coffee)
-Retail (clothes, discounts, people watching)
I am writing in my favorite pink pen, so I take a minute to admire the pink scribbles and total random thoughts. All of my thoughts are in their own bubble - a bubble chart. I smile thinking about my students.
-Community involvement (a must)
-Small group leader (am I ready?)
Knock...knock..I am kicked into reality. It's Perry, my landlord and a woman. She looks like she is in her late-twenties, she has short strawberry blond hair, a simple sundress, and a smile. She is here to look at my apartment. She compliments our apartment and we have small talk.
In a British accent she asks, "are you excited about leaving?
"Yes! I am moving to DC."
Then she asks the three frequently asked questions:
"Do you already have an apartment?
"Do you have a job?"
"Why are you moving?"
"I'm chasing after my love."
"I must say if there is anything to chase after it's love...or your imagination."
"Funny that you say that, I am actually chasing both and I'm sure it's going to be quite the adventure."
Although there are brownstones surrounding me, as I walk down the New York City street I imagine myself running through the jungle. I trip over weeds, wheeze while running up the hills and I get slapped in my face by a low-hanging branch. I am running in an unknown jungle and I only have a faint idea of what I’m running towards. I hand the details to the Lord. I suddenly think of Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” And yet, I think of Ms. Brownings, “God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame.” I guess what I am trying to say is that regardless of the uncertainty and the obstacles that are bound to arise, I am just so joyful. It feels liberating to let go of my fears, to stop analysing the situation, and to just start running. At the end of the day, there's nothing I'd rather do more than chase after Love and Imagination…