I'm sorry momma...
For years, I've teased my mother about her schedule. Long and short, when I was in the fifth grade (or sixth grade) my mother quit her job to be a stay at home mother; however for some reason that didn't stop her from discussing the "craziness" of her day.

"Girl, I am doing really well but just so busy,"
Has been her response to "how are you, mom?" for over a decade. And for the last five years, I've laughed and thought (and on occasion said), "what a trip... during the day - you don't have to go to a 9-5 job, there isn't anyone at home but you, and you reduced your aerobic schedule (she is an aerobics instructor)- what could you possibly be doing?" She would then run off this list of:
- lunch"meetings" (a.k.a. hanging out with her girls)
- personal training sessions (she is the trainer)
- random and daily errands
- beautification appointments (hair done, nails done, everything done...she's fancy, huh?)
- small projects that she has started
- her women's small group
- preparing for their marriage group
- time with my sister and dates with my dad.
- her "me" time (sitting by the pool, working out, etc.)

My thought, "what a life... that's not busy, that is enjoying your day! Having a 9-5 is busy!!!"
I've had many friends (and family) take a sabbatical from going into a 9-5 job, whether due to a lay-off, desire to be at home, children, freelance work, artists, part-time employment...whatever. And I always thought - wow, during the day, you get to just kick back and relax! Well, I was wrong.
And this is where the apology comes in. To all the stay-at-home wives, mothers, heck.. .anyone that is at home during the day..."I AM SO SORRY" for belittling the busyness of your day. My first week in Maryland (without a 9-5 pm) has been absolutely nuts... ridiculously amazing... but nuts and I have a feeling next week will be even crazier. In an effort to organize myself and my day - I created a calendar with task and notes list. I'll tell you how it goes.