A Married-Unemployed-Writer-Sister "MUWS"
I have an obsession with nuns. I think it is a beautiful and simple lifestyle. A lifestyle dedicated to doing the work of Christ, working in our communities, and taking a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience. There is no question to me as to why nuns outlive our population - nuns are more likely to make it to 85 years old than non-nuns.
So, now that I am officially a unemployed writer...I am going to be a nun....better yet a sister (with a spin). For those that have read this blog for a while this is no surprise lol. I have been obsessed with being a "kinda"-sister for a very long time. Just for clarification from my understanding a sister doesn't have to live in a cloistered environment, but out in the world fulfilling her religious vocation (usually helping the sick and the needy). I would like to believe if I was born Catholic and Mike never came around that it is a lifestyle that I would have fallen into.
So, after much prayer, reading and studying...I've decided that I am going to be a non-denominational sister. It makes sense, I am surrounded by many kinda-like-minded "sisters" that serve the community, love the Lord, and are dedicated to living life simply. So, it's official, I take a vow of obedience, service, love, simplicity, and dedication. I haven't quite worked out the details, but this is what I've got so far. I am going to be a married unemployed writer-sister.