One of my very close friends said something that was completely misconstrued. She said one thing and was misunderstood. Unfortunately, it was all that her audience needed to hear in order to become completely irritated and offended. Her words seemed against a particular group of people - a group that her audience of two belonged to. Two days later, people are approaching her and telling her that they heard that she disliked all ---- people.
I love this person and would do anything to protect them. I know that she didn't mean to offend and that she has the dearest heart; she is just an all-around amazing person. Can she be socially awkward? Extremely, which is why I adore her. Has she ever put her foot in her mouth? Haven't we all? Was she right in her intention [of the comment]? Absolutely, in fact she was right in saying something. Was her heart in the right place when she tried to explain herself? Yes. Can I see why the other girls were offended? Sure.
Now, my friend feels completely lonely. She feels ostracized by her peers. She is sad that the "world" thinks that she is a hateful person. She couldn't sleep last night, because she couldn't get her mind off the incident. There are random stares. Low whispers. Eye rolls. And this problem has completely escalated.
Because my friend is upset, I am upset. I completely created my first home craft project, but this situation trumped my victorious moment. Even though days have passed, I am sipping lukewarm decaf coffee and so far I've thought of about twenty different solutions that would get us nowhere.
Although I cannot help my friend, what I can do is make sure that I do a better job at not putting others in this kind of a situation. What I mean is that I understand the frustration of the offended party. In fact, there have been times where I am apart of the offended audience and wouldn't give the offender another chance to explain his/herself. My judgement was on their heads and there was no explanation needed - they said what they meant!
I have misunderstood someone's statement, gotten offended and wouldn't let them off of the hook. I cannot say that I will not be offended again, but by God, I will try not to be so easily offended. I have said too many ridiculous and offensive things from a place of love to be so easily offended and judgmental when it comes to others.