Book of Images

As I described in one of my earlier posts, I am collecting images. On my last day on earth (God willing in about 50 or more years), I plan to have a whole lot of bookshelves in my home that will document my life, the life of my loved ones, and the world as I know it. In fact, to be completely honest that's one of the purposes of this blog - documenting. 

Anyhow, I already have over two dozen journals, sketch books, photo albums, etc. now I am collecting images... things that I see that speak to me in some way. This idea originated when I decided that I wanted to physically see myself like deeper than my skin. I mean, I know who I am, but wanted to physically see who I am. What is my current style? What kinds of clothes am I drawn to? What articles? What kinds of images? etc. My only rule is that the images needed to come from one of my longest living passions... magazines. What more documents life as it is in 2009 than magazines?

And I think it is only right to include my little sister in these photos - let's see who can spot Renny? Hint: She is in five of the six photos. Enjoy the game. 

My image book:

1. Take a normal sketch book.

2. Cut out pictures that speak to you.

3. Find a satchel that speaks to you to tote around your images. 

4. Take out the book whenever you are feeling unmotivated to blog, dress, or cook :) It's a fun reminder of who you are and it's so relaxing to craft at night. 

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