Most the time I love it...actually let me clarify, most the time I love me (the whole package) that is after looking in the mirror in the mornings and asking the Lord, "please let me see myself the way that you see me" - it's like a miracle beauty cream that has
instantaneous results. So, in my life I haven't battle with major insecurity - well, if you don't count my bouts with perfectionism and being extremely critical of myself as an insecurity...
Okay, so my point...yeah, so I would say the majority (90%) of the time, I look in the mirror or reflect on myself and I feel blessed. I can read magazines and see beautiful women (including friends, strangers, and models) and smile to myself not feeling at all insecure but diggin' their style. In fact, my confidence and genuine love of others is something that I have gotten complements on throughout my life.
HOWEVER (y'all know me too well to know that it wasn't going to stop there) there are times where it is the complete opposite - I feel fat, I am tired of my BIG FAT MOUTH, my hair is a hot mess, my skin will not clear up, I have major bags, WHY CAN'T I GET THIS RIGHT?!? she has amazing style - I'm boring, Beyonce and her abs - why can't I have abs ... BLAH ... BLAH... BLAH... BLAH...BLAH. Now, women (and Mike) that are reading this are like "chick that's called PMS" and y'all are right. I suffer badly during that time of the month (anger is just one of the extreme emotions - I also get extremely sentimental) which is why (
finally getting to my point) I almost cried when I saw Glamour catching up with Essence

magazine in their PRAISE of women with real bodies.
Seeing all these beautiful women embrace their curves and be completely nude and confident touched me so much...and reading the fan mail about these pictures ... auughhhh... I hope the idea of a BEAUTIFUL REAL WOMAN continues in our media outlets.
Read more about these women
Originator: Essence magazine
Amazing article and author: Ashley Falcon's "Big Girl in a Skinny World"

Read the Marie Claire article here.
Other major supporter of women with curves: Latina magazine

What do you think about women of different sizes being in the media? Not everyone agrees (respectfully) that it's a good idea - check out these comments:
About the women (above) featured in Glamour magazine, some Glamour readers said:
“Putting a young model who is obviously overweight and living an unhealthy lifestyle in your magazine to make some people feel better only serves to propagate that unhealthy lifestyle,” wrote Angie E., 44.
Another reader took that criticism a few steps further: “We have enough problems with obesity in the U.S. and don’t need your magazine promoting any more of it. Shame on Glamour for thinking this was sexy!”
“It’s about fantasy,” posted one. “Even the most physically perfect human cannot measure up to the perfection in magazines. We all know that. But we can imagine that perfection while we read. We can all be perfect for a minute.”