I'm drinking coffee out of a Komodo Dragon Blend coffee mug

My mother is throwing a load of clothes in the dryer and my sister is upstairs relaxing to a rerun of CSI...
Mike is with his cousins and brother watching the game. Kenny (my younger brother) just made it back safely to New York.
And I am sitting at the computer, after a long workout and hearty lunch, drinking coffee out of a Komodo Dragon Blend coffee mug and I am thinking about the message in church this morning about not judging others and truly having a relationship with the Lord. Not relying on religion, the pastor, or the people at church - BUT having and nurturing a true relationship with Christ. The funeral that I went to yesterday is still on my mind and I think...
In 2010, sure I would love to work out every day... and of course I want to eat healthy... a promotion at work would be nice... a better financial system would be smart BUT what I truly want for myself is that I will enjoy each day...NOT have fun every day or do something exciting... BUT truly take time every single day to thank Jesus for that day, for the people that I interact with, for the people in my life, and for His grace...
In 2010, sure I would love to work out every day... and of course I want to eat healthy... a promotion at work would be nice... a better financial system would be smart BUT what I truly want for myself is that I will enjoy each day...NOT have fun every day or do something exciting... BUT truly take time every single day to thank Jesus for that day, for the people that I interact with, for the people in my life, and for His grace...
I want to make sure that I appreciate life and the people in my life - not judging or being critical of another person's life or choices. I don't want to have any fear of what tomorrow holds because I know that each day I accepted and enjoyed life and the people around me. When times are hard, I will pray, work hard and even appreciate the blessings in the mist of the storm ... and when times, like this one, are joyous I will take time to truly appreciate each moment... heck, why start in 2010...
Thank you, Jesus for allowing me to drink coffee out of a Komodo Dragon Blend coffee mug...