It's extremely early in the morning
and the rain is smacking my air condition, I look out the window to see a storm and foggy windows, it's still on the dark side, and it's beautiful. There's classic music composed by Erik Satie and Philip Glass playing softly below the rain drops, a cup of lukewarm coffee on my bed stand, I'm in my pjs, hair is all over the place (forgot to wrap it last night) - my apartment is messier than I like it but completely serene and I am writing this blog before starting a work project (which will be done in my bed for the first half of the morning) and I say to myself, "this is what life is about." I am at complete peace, there is a sense of inner-joy, and life is the way that God made it...simple.
I truly believe life isn't supposed to be easy but it is supposed to be simple.
Enjoy the rain, take a moment to breath and be at peace,
Shelby S.