3.5 miles down

I didn't write, beeeecccccaaaauuuussseee the last few days I've been huffing it! Yesterday, I literally did a morning walk. Ate breakfast and then started on my errands! All of my errands included walking - I literally walked all day! Walked to get my eyebrows done (still excruciating - literally didn't know whether my eyes were watering or if I was crying), my mani and pedi, bank visit, flowers for the apartment and more...

Which was a blessing, because my girl, Barb, an amazing baker dropped by with some of the best cookies I've ever had! Don't forget I've worked in bakeries, went pastry school, and I am a bonafide sweets lover and critic. Her baked goods were incredible - salted caramel,Oreo  cheesecake, and reese peanut butter. 

That said, after eating cookies and an awesome convo - I headed off to meet another girlfriend for coffee. Coffee ended up being four half off appetizers and a drink special for her. Water, please? 

Then off on an evening walk! Drop, boy, drop! Mama is praying to meet you by tomorrow. We even have his little outfit picked out! 

This morning, Mike and I did a three mile walk. I did half a mile by myself. We plan on getting another three in later tonight! And I plan on eating something spicy - I had some kale recipe picked out but keep hearing about the power of spicy! Did someone say, "Thai food please" - make my eyes watah and my nose run! 

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