Neiko Rahman Steel

Is finally in my arms. I've never known a love like this. I want to be better! Every day my life goals and destiny - my purpose becomes more clear. My life suddenly feels so much clearer! I want to be the best me for him, the best mom for him, I want to figure out my style - I want to be great! I'm so in love - I can't say it enough. I'm still in the hospital - day 5 of a not-so-great birthing time. But to be honest, it's all so worth it. I am overwhelmed with my baby son. Every single moment of pain was worth it! Sooo worth it. I'm so ecstatic. Now, I should be getting off to sleep now - I have a big day of motherhood in front of me! 

PS (I can't stop) This has honestly felt like a dream it's been so rich and beautiful and amazing. The nurses have been super supportive (we have to think of the perfect little gift for them), Mike is a  stinking natural (my perfect partner), and having my family surrounding us! Incredible! My mom has already taught me so much (she blows my mind),  my dad and Neiko already have such a strong bond and Unc Kenny, Aunts Renny and Ashley rock Neiko's world! I am so overwhelmingly happy - I feel like I'm on something! God's beautiful grace. I was made for this! Okay so now I really do have to go or else I'm gonna foggy tomorrow. Can't wait to go on this journey - trust me when I say it will be documented thoroughly! I will publish pics soon, but as of right now I want to savor him. More later...

Okay one more thing, my mom has taught me throughout this entire process to follow Christ and develop my own style for motherhood. No comparisons, no competition, no cray standards! I am rolling with that and feel so good to be doing it. I'm not gonna be perfect by no means - but I will be the best mommy for Neiko! 

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