Just because...

I really don't have much to say. Been thinking a lot about the Martin family and our society as a whole. 

Thinking about the philosophy of many of the right wingers "we want our country back." What does that mean? Think: Atlas will Shrug - Ayn Rand status

Our son is getting super antsy. He kicks often and so hard. My tummy literally feels like it's in knots. 

I've been working out daily - my pool acquaintances beg me not to go into birthing time in the pool. I would not like to have my baby at the pool - but wouldn't mind being there during my pressure waves. 

I've been hanging out with my girls a lot and it feels so good. The conversations have been amazing - I love talking about baby stuff - but it feels good to talk about other stuff, too! Helps me remember there is more to me. 

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