Do you ever talk just to be talking?
So, this is COMPLETELY random! COMPLETELY RANDOM! But as I was working, I was laughing at this amazingly awkward exchange I had the other day. Now, I am used to awkward moments, so this was nothing new, but it did make me wonder whether my issue is a fairly common one. Like, I'm not talking about the classmate/business colleague that ALWAYS has to have a question or a comment, but I'm talking more the social talker.
To explain myself: sometimes I find myself talking because I am trying to be friendly and avoid awkward moments of silence, BUT many times when I am talking to be talking...I create moments of awkwardness, because I put my foot in my mouth. Like, do you ever walk away from a conversation and ask yourself, "WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT?!?" And then realize that your comment didn't stem from deep passion but more so because it was something to say at a moment when you were "supposed" to say something. I mean it can be a true statement and you can feel that way, but at the end of the day, you said it because it felt "right" to say something...
I am just wondering, does it come off rude when someone doesn't have any input? Like what happens when you just say nothing? I don't know [silence] is such a foreign thought to me, but every time I don't have an input I feel like I am not friendly, smart, helpful, agreeable, honest ... I don't know... has anyone ever felt this way? Do you ever just talk to be talking?