Finally outside

Neiko is officially seven days old. He's  a sweet boy that much like his mother loves to eat, massive kisses and plenty of attention. 

Being with him is nice, but I realized yesterday at around 10 pm, it's also slightly consuming. So much so I hadn't been outside since 330 Friday afternoon. Now don't get me wrong, last night, my mom made us a three course meal. My brother, Mia, Mike, mom and I dined on salad, spaghetti and meatballs, and Mexican brownies with caramel and almond topping. It was absolutely fabulous! We ran out mouths all night! 

But still I hadn't seen daylight. That's why today as soon as Mike got home - I handed over our fed, cleaned, and napping baby and walked (slowly) up to the park. My mom was working out - I brought reading material and a drink and plopped myself under the shade of a huge oak tree and exhaled. It feels so good to be outside. I can't wait to bring Neiko - he's gonna love the outdoors. But for now this is mommy's treat. 

Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. The ice cream truck is here...I think I may indulge. Much love! 

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