I'm tired from crying...
I cry a lot, because I am full of love and cray hormones.
For the last three days, I've cried over something:
1. I cried at the thought of my mother leaving. I love her being here - she's so incredible. I love knowing I'm waking up to her. a good convo and a cuppa decaf Jo.
2. I cried while Neiko and I played the kissy game. I literally talk to him and kiss him all over his face. He was just looking at me and I got overwhelmed with love for him.
3. I cried when I saw Mike rocking Neiko. I'm not sure why. He's just such an awesome husband and father. I dunno
4. I also cried at just feeling overwhelmed - the weight, the busy schedule (that doesn't include leaving the house), the bizillion questions that I have, and... the hormones
PS I've decided to see my day as the complete 24 hours instead of separating between day and night. Mentally a little easier...