Perfect Storm
So, I am annoyed because my "Loves" status is not showing up on my computer - I am getting people that want to join but there are no answers on the Internet.
Can you see the "join button" on your computers? Do you know how to get them back? I don't see them on any one's blog.
I don't know what to do! YUCK... I hate being the reason that people can't join the blog.

Today, Nana and I got caught in a storm with cupcakes, Garrett's popcorn, two big pops, chips, dip, etc. During the storm, my umbrella broke - it went completely the other know when it's like backwards or something? So I had to throw it away in the midst of the storm. I had to buy a new shirt (even though I am saving) because my shirt got so drenched it was sticking to my body and I had to go to a two hour bible study in an air conditioned room. My relaxer is super NOT fresh but my hair is fairly....excuse was fairly straight - so, I am like "thick" roots, thin ends....and I am having eye twitches. They say that the eye thing is due to extreme stress.
But like Nana says, "it's not fun if there isn't a story."
So, at the end of the day, I am alive, healthy and sitting in my living room with a I'm blessed. How was your day?
Can't wait to hear about it.
Love you all,
Shelby S.
Can you see the "join button" on your computers? Do you know how to get them back? I don't see them on any one's blog.
I don't know what to do! YUCK... I hate being the reason that people can't join the blog.
Today, Nana and I got caught in a storm with cupcakes, Garrett's popcorn, two big pops, chips, dip, etc. During the storm, my umbrella broke - it went completely the other know when it's like backwards or something? So I had to throw it away in the midst of the storm. I had to buy a new shirt (even though I am saving) because my shirt got so drenched it was sticking to my body and I had to go to a two hour bible study in an air conditioned room. My relaxer is super NOT fresh but my hair is fairly....excuse was fairly straight - so, I am like "thick" roots, thin ends....and I am having eye twitches. They say that the eye thing is due to extreme stress.
But like Nana says, "it's not fun if there isn't a story."
So, at the end of the day, I am alive, healthy and sitting in my living room with a I'm blessed. How was your day?
Can't wait to hear about it.
Love you all,
Shelby S.