Advice: Should you sig. other JUST KNOW?

dear shelby,

you know when you are just feeling not great...and your man just does not notice...and so you feel worse...and then start pouting at him...and then your upset turns into an upset at him....which is totally ungrounded, but still there...? How do you let him know that you are not feeling great, and that you need some TLC from him, other than straight out telling him.... because you know, he is your man, and he is "just supposed to be able to know", although that is kinda unreasonable?

pouting like a little girl.


Hello pouting like a little girl,

First and foremost, I don't think that he is supposed to know - so, I would just tell him. I always just say something, because I like you, have a bad habit of getting angry at the wrong person. But then this poses so many questions - do men know and just want to avoid the "vent" session? shouldn't we know without saying our sig. other is upset? what does it mean when we don't know - is he neglectful of your feelings? And how do other couples - let one another know that they need some cuddling without just saying it or does everyone solve the issue by spelling it out! hhahahah - now you got me thinking...but all this to say, I think you should just say something or make that first move! Just make sure you are smelling nice when you make the move, making the move when you are stinky brings in a whole new issue...and so I digress...

shelby s.

When your sig. other is neglectful you:

Do little passive aggressive things
Make the move
Become neglectful also

Should you just know without saying - something is wrong with your sig. other

Yes, you are one!
No, no mind readers here
Most of the time, you only get one time to neglect the clues
If your connection is strong enough...

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